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    To succeed in a competitive landscape, it’s vital for companies to understand the lay of the land and ensure they’re getting the most out of their teams. As an established consultancy with decades of experience of working in the built environment and real estate sector, we’re perfectly placed to help businesses ensure their teams are firing on all cylinders and give decision makers the market intelligence they need to drive forward.

    The market knowledge of our consultants is unsurpassed, giving us a perfect awareness of the trends and developments shaping the sector, and a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities awaiting our clients.

    Our focus on building strong partnerships ensures we put our clients first. Our precise understanding of the skills and personnel needed to drive projects forward and succeed in tough markets gives us the ability to inform our clients’ thinking and help shape their recruitment strategy as they pursue gaps and opportunities.


    Knowledge is power, and understanding your market is critical for company success. With decades of industry experience under our belts, we excel at gathering valuable market intelligence for our clients and ensuring they have the skills and personnel they need to succeed.

    Identify key players

    Our detailed understanding of the sector allows us to rapidly find the key players in your niche and identify your biggest competitors. We’ll identify skills gaps in your business, scope out the deepest talent pools in market and find the hardest-to-reach talent, ensuring you have access to the personnel you need.

    Gather market intelligence

    We’ll outline critical industry trends and changes, helping you understand the challenges and opportunities ahead. We’ll map out skills requirements, establish employment rates and put together up-to-the-minute salary benchmarks, giving you the market intelligence you need to attract the best talent.

    Find opportunities

    Using our detailed understanding of the trends currently shaping the market, we’ll map out competitive advantages and market gaps, helping you to identifying where your existing teams can take you and who you need to recruit to exploit the market’s latest opportunities.

    Develop strategies

    Using our market insights, we’ll help you build a recruitment strategy that enables you to attract the brightest talent the market has to offer and build confident and knowledgeable teams who can drive your business forward.


    Retaining your most talented staff is key to ensuring your businesses thrives, and knowing how to get the best results out of them is critical to driving performance and growth. With decades of experience of putting together talented teams, we understand exactly what makes workers in the sector tick, and how to ensure your personnel are getting the most out of their roles and having the maximum impact on your business.

    Performance management

    We’ll help you implement structured performance appraisal processes to foster meaningful communication between managers and team members, giving managers more opportunities to get the most out of their teams.

    Skills growth

    We’ll identify relevant and curated training opportunities for your staff, ensuring they can continue to progress in their roles while growing their skills within the business, increasing operational productivity.

    Engagement and ED&I

    Keeping staff engaged and comfortable in their roles is critical for retaining them. We’ll lead conversations designed to enhance workplace happiness and implement robust ED&I processes, so that minority team members know they’re properly supported.

    Salary benchmarking

    We’ll provide you with up-to-the-minute salary benchmarks to help you ensure that your most valued workers are being paid what they deserve, so they don’t walk out of the door, taking their skills and experience with them.


    Gathering market intelligence to inform best practice hiring solutions

    Phoenix ME wanted to reduce the salary gap and raise its profile but had been finding it challenging to locate suitable candidates.

    Read more

    Find out more

    To find out more about we can help you recruit top senior personnel, fill in the form and we’ll be in touch.